Friday, September 26, 2008

DESIGN about TOWN photos from TechCrunch50

Click below to view our photos from the TechCrunch 50 event. Take special note of the photo of Demi Moore and Solana Crawford, Founder and Chief Design Officer of DESIGN about TOWN.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

DESIGN about TOWN's Solana Crawford on Websites are the Face of Web 2.0, Website Designer Says.

Thanks to those over at for the interview with DESIGN about TOWN's founder Solana Crawford at TechCrunch50. Solana talks a bit about design trends and then about DESIGN about TOWN

"Reflections, rounded corners, and color schemes of white and chrome have become very popular--and overdone--styles for technology websites over the last few years, DESIGN About TOWN CEO Solana Crawford says. She discusses other trends that have also emerged in website design.

Design About Town designed the signage and programs for TechCrunch50.

--Kelsey Blodget, Associate Producer"

Monday, September 22, 2008

TechCrunch 50 DemoPit Highlights

Here is a nice video highlighting some of the DemoPit companies at TechCrunch50. While DESIGN about TOWN is not featured in this video, you can see a sliver of our work on the signs for each of the companies. We designed the graphic system for TC50 that was seen on banners, signs, powerpoint slides, and the program.

If you have an event based graphic design and branding, give us a call.

Highlights from the Demo Pit