Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Solana Crawford, founder of DESIGN about TOWN speaking at Web 2.0 Berlin

Our very own Solana Crawford, the Founder and Chief Design Officer of DESIGN about TOWN, will be speaking at O'Reilly Media's Web 2.0 Conference in Berlin, Germany on Thursday, 10/23/08 at 2:30pm.

She will be speaking at the Design and User Experience Track and her topic will be User: Action! Leading users to action through design.

If you are going to be at the conference, sign up for Solana's session. Also, let us know if you are going to be there and would like to meet up. See you there!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

DESIGN about TOWN Portfolio Slideshow ::: Fall 2008

We decided to put a slideshow of some of our most recent design projects online. Click here for a high resolution version, or see the YouTube version below. If you see something you like and need to know more. Call me (Brian) at 415-290-2256.